On October 17 and 18 2018, the first cybersecurity and ethical hacking congress was held at Fira de Barcelona. It brought together hundreds of people interested in an increasingly important sector in a digital society such as ours.
This congress, of which Light Eyes has been promoter and co-organizer along with Fira de Barcelona, has helped to bring the sector together and to create a meeting point and debate about future trends in cybersecurity. But it has also been a wake-up call to a society that still trusts new technologies too much. Evidently, we must trust them but, at the same time and with the same intensity, we must take the appropriate security measures. Large infrastructures and large companies do it for certain but also, as several speakers reminded us at the conference, small and medium-sized companies and each one of us individually should do it.
At Light Eyes, we have assumed the challenge of helping create a more cybersecure society, by offering services of all kinds to companies and administrations for the last 5 years. From now on and taking advantage of this congress, we want to announce that we are continuing to do so with a larger team. In addition, at Light Eyes, we have also decided to assume a second challenge, which the congress demonstrated: to improve the communication in this sector and to generate awareness of the importance of cybersecurity.
That is why we are starting this blog on this new Light Eyes website with the renewed corporate image. It is necessary from now on that when we talk about cybersecurity, we focus not only on the big corporations, but on each one of us. Here you are some questions to think about:
- Are the data of my clients safe enough?
- Can anyone be listening to my private conversations?
- What computer vulnerabilities do I have?
- Which would be the consequences of a cyber-attack for me and my people?
In the coming days, we will be offering you examples and proposals on this blog. But remember, it is always cheaper and more effective to prevent a fire than to extinguish it, as the unquantifiable consequences are avoided.
Thank you for following us. Welcome to the blog of Light Eyes!